As veteran tattoo artists and enthusiasts, we’ve all been there: we’re in our creative zone, ink flying, needle buzzing, when suddenly – catastrophe. Our ink pot slips, spills, and suddenly we’re scrambling to salvage our work, clean up the mess, and replace precious, quickly drying ink.

While the significance of state-of-the-art machines, top-tier inks, and high-quality needles is frequently discussed and acknowledged, the unsung heroes of the tattoo supplies don’t get the credit they deserve. Yes, I’m talking about the humble ink pot holder.

Though it may sound insignificant, the ink pot holder’s role in our craft is anything but. In this post, I’ll be diving deep into the often overlooked yet indispensable tattoo supply item: the ink pot holder.

A Stroll down Memory Lane

When I first started tattooing, ink pot holders were as basic as they come. They were lightweight, made of plastic, and decent enough at holding the ink pots. But as the saying goes, decent is hardly ever good enough. The lightweight nature of these babies caused a world of chaos when things got busy. More often than not, in the fervor of a complicated piece, my fervent movements would send the holder and the ink careening off the table. It wasn’t unusual to have days where my workstation and I would end up being an unintended part of the tattoo, splattered in ink.

Rounds of cleanups, color mishaps, and interrupted workflow later, I realized the essentiality of a good ink pot holder in the tattooing process. That’s when the hunt for the ‘perfect holder’ began.

Recognizing the Hero

So, what makes a good ink pot holder? It’s not rocket science, really. It needs to have a sturdy base for the stability that prevents tipping or shifting during use, enough space to hold multiple sizes of ink pots for those intricate multicolor pieces, and material that is easy to clean and sanitizing.

I remember flipping through countless catalogs of tattoo supplies, searching for something that fit the bill. When I finally stumbled upon the sturdy, stainless steel, multi-capacity ink pot holder, it was like the clouds parting for the sun to shine. This heavier, spacious, and easy-to-clean ink holder proved to be a game-changer.

Evolution of Ink Pot Holders

Since that realization, I’ve seen an evolution in ink pot holder designs that would perk up any tattoo artist’s ear. Companies now offer specialized holders that adhere to your workstation, silicone ink pot holders that prevent any slip and slide, and even intricate holders that not only do their job but also add an aesthetic appeal to your workspace.

The elevated standards to which these wallflowers of tattoo supplies are now held might seem surprising, but when you prevent that one unnecessary spill, you’ll thank your stars for the robust ink pot holder parked on your workstation.

Pro-tip for the Pros

A personal tip to maximize the functionality of these unsung heroes: placement is key. While traditionally, ink pot holders are placed next to your palette for easy access, consider having multiple distributed around your workstation. This is especially useful in large tattoo pieces where you’re using a broad color range – no more fumbling around looking for that precise shade.

Wrapping it all up

The seemingly humble ink pot holder, like many other often overlooked elements of tattoo supplies, plays a vital role in our tattooing process. The right design can not only save you time and resources but also ensure smoother tattoo sessions. This little tool has effectively evolved and grown with the industry, establishing itself as more than just a holder.

Life as a tattoo artist is undoubtedly a spirited and messy one. So, here’s to the unsung heroes of tattoo supplies, ensuring our pigments stay in the pot and off the floor. The right ink pot holder not only supports your artistry but also your sanity!